A few weeks ago I noticed that my garden pond had some frog's spawn lodged by some garden centre water grass, for some reason or other it was an exciting moment (I am 54). My garden pond is inhabited by four large goldfish - they started out small but seem to have doubled in size every year. The largest is called Rustem Bay after a character in in Louise de Bernieres's excellent novel Birds Without Wings - the other three don't have names. There are also at least thirty Sticklebacks who I think are pretty ravenous and probably more intelligent than the Goldfish. Every morning for a few days I went out to see how the Frog's Spawn were getting on - after a few more days I could see their number was diminishing. I decided to intervene and took a jam jar full into the house and plonked them into a larger Kilner Jar (google it!)
I am pleased to say that some of them seem to be thriving - over the last two weeks they have sprung legs and arms and started to look like frogs. On the advice of my son George (22) the newly amphibious critters have been transfered into an old aquarium and now have a slip-way they can get up on and observe the world above water level.
At some point I will have to re-introduce them to the dangers of the pond, we'll keep you posted.