All this talk of 'fixies' has reminded me about the fixer we hired on a recent shoot. Nearly every time we film abroad (and sometimes even in Britain) we hire a 'fixer' to help us. Usually they recommend hotels, drive us to locations, know where we can get food that won't have us crapping through the eye of a needle, advise us on picturesque places to film, make sure we are safe, translate, entertain us with stories, help us carry equipment, tell us about local culture, knock on our doors when we sleep through our alarm and generally make sure we hit the ground running when we arrive in a strange place. In other words, they do a lot and they are very important.
It is intended entirely as a compliment when I say that these fixers have many similar characteristics. They are organised, practical, and very good with people. I don't know whether it is the impeccable instincts of our producer Simon or just the natural order of the world, but they are always very good at what they do. So, introducing the latest of our fixers, this time from Honduras. Jorge Flores. He's your man.
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